This March hundreds of provincial multisport athletes will finally get a chance race again for real, as the long-running UBC Triathlon/Duathlon returns. Not only is it a great motivator for some early season intensity, it is also a reason to get that bike checked out and make sure that it is road-ready.

On the show this week, we Fitspeek with some seasoned veterans from the event, Burnaby’s Craig Premack and Vancouver’s Winston Guo. Between the 2 of them, they have almost 40 years of UBC experience. They will be sharing some of their experiences from the race course as well as some tips for folks doing the event for the first time.

Also on the program, ATC Head coach, Mikey Ross returns with his Top Five List . If you have ever had to deal with race anxiety, Coach Mikey has a 5-4-3-2-1 strategy that will keep you focused on the world around you and not the butterflies in your stomach.
30 minutes of family friendly Fitspeek is ready for your consumption by pressing that play button below.