One of the most fascinating folks ever to toe the line at Ironman Canada is Calgary’s Curtis Flock. More than just an Ironman, Flock is truly a citizen of the world. In our interview we trace his path from the oil rigs of Alberta to the streets of Kampala and most things in-between.

Although he enjoyed great success in triathlon, and made a name for himself as “the Beach Cruiser Guy” and the “Shirt & Tie Guy” at Ironman in the 1990’s, he really found himself, as he ditched his full time job, saved up some money, and embarked on world-wide tour on his bicycle.

Of course, such an adventure has its share of ups and downs, and Cutis has embraced both. You can read more about his travels here World Tour, Part 3, by George Flock (crazyguyonabike.com)
And you can hear about them here