If you’ve been racing long enough, you know that sooner or later you’ll have a race that doesn’t go well.
There can be a million reasons for this: not enough training, too much training, pacing problems, equipment problems, bad luck, the list goes on and on.

A few weeks ago, two pro triathletes—Adam Feigh, Deb Eckhouse—and I all had races that didn’t go well. There’s was Ironman Cozumel, mine…not so epic, a local 10K.
On the podcast we discuss what went wrong and, more importantly, how to avoid the same mistakes.
Adam’s fix seems clear, but for Deb and me, the answers are still out there… somewhere.”

Of course, just because the last race you did wasn’t the greatest doesn’t mean your whole season was a bust. In retrospect, both Deb and Adam very solid seasons and we’ll hear their recaps.
We also talk about our eternal quest for more sponsors and what our race plans are for 2025. Fitspeek 214 is a lesson on resiliency. Hear it now by pressing play below.