
New Year’s Resolutions – we wanna hear yours

Although not everybody is into the New Years Resolutions thing, we here at Fitspeek are and we wanna help you with yours.

In addition to having specific and measurable goals, one of the best ways to help achieve your resolution is by using a commitment device (so says the Huffington Post as well as other Social Science researchers.)

A commitment device is basically just fancy talk for yelling it out at the top of your lungs from a rooftop so that everybody in town can hear.

The Fraser Valley’s fitness community is your town, we supply the rooftop, you supply the lungs.

Post your resolution as a comment below by either using your real name or nickname and we will let others in our community know what your goal/s are and if you are so inclined, HOW you intend to achieve your goal/s. Don’t be surprised if we drop your name in an upcoming Fitspeek podcast.

It’s all about fun. fitness, and community.

Check out our list so far over on the New Year’s Goals and Resolutions page on your menu to the right.


Of piss, vinegar, and your finish line.

It’s interesting, inspiring, and validating to be an endurance athlete in the age of social media and be privy to the immediacy and personal disclosure of some of our sporting heroes. It used to be when there were only print media sources such as Inside Triathlon, you would get race results and analysis well after the fact. And of course because column space was limited in print media, a lot of the truly interesting and juicy stuff had to be left out.

In retrospect, wouldn’t it have been cool to be subscribed to Scott Tinley’s Twitter account back in the day? Natural personalities, I believe, would have flourished even more with an opportunity to spout off right there and then. How about a Greg Welch Instagram feed? That would have been great for Welchie’s brand and his fans.

For those who remember, one of the more entertaining features of the Slowtwitch website was back in the sunset years of The Terminator’s aka Skid’s aka Scott Molina’s pro triathlon career. Molina wrote the occasional article under the provocative masthead “Skid Marks.” Molina would fly the flag of unabashed political incorrectness on a range of topics from Ironman to parenting, and naturally stammtisch (check out the link at the bottom of the page for more on that).

But enough wallowing along memory lane as this article is really about the here and now. In this week’s Slowtwitch, Tim Carlson has compiled some of the year’s best triathlon quotes. Although none of quotes, are as poetic as the words of a Sagan or a Voigt, one of this year’s gems comes from yet another non-native English speaker, this year’s Ironman World Champion Jan Frodeno. In a post-race interview, Frodeno illuminated the dark places that were haunting him him during parts of his run while he led the race. Frodeno quipped, “I did want to give up three times actually. I wanted to pull off. I was thinking I will make up some excuse. Make it sound good and go home.” As you can see, feeling like hell and coming up with creative ways to quit a race is not something that only middle and back of the pack athletes experience.

Another inspirational piece of self-disclosure from this year came from Lionel Saunders. Once again, this dark place that Saunders was in, was while leading the race. On his way to producing the fastest Ironman race (brand not distance) ever back in November, there was a part in the later stages of the run where he was starting to fade and feel like heck. To keep himself fired up, he started yelling out loud to himself, “C’mon, C’mon, let’s go” (along with I am sure, some non publishable motivational phrases). He later admitted to Bob Babbitt, spectators along the race course and his fellow competitors likely thought he had mentally snapped but it underscores to the extent that self doubt and anger can exist while we race.

Getting to the finish line of a race, be it a 5K or an Ironman can be incredibly difficult, especially if you are doing it right. Sometimes the self-doubt and hopelessness of the situation (even if you are leading the race) require some of us (like Ryan Boulter and myself) to harness the dark side and use some creative solutions to get us to the finish line.

What’s your dark secret that gets you through a race? Share it here.

And for the fans of Molina and beer, this link is for you.


Podcast Number Six: Fit(speek) for the holidays

This edition of Fitspeek features all the belles, whistles, and candy canes for your holiday season. We learn of Strava Kings, spin sessions, Billy’s conquest, and how to stave off the almost inevitable Christmas paunch. Also listen for the Wenting’s Word of the week to claim your prize! Fitspeek six is ready to roll down your chimney by pressing play below.

You can reach Ryan Clifton to sign up for the Mission Masters Swimming Club here.

You can get more information on the Phoenix Velo Speak & Spin here.



Our Newest Feature: Kings & Queens of Strava

The Fraser Valley is home to some EPIC bike rides and running trails and even more EPIC athletes. In our newest feature “Kings & Queens of Strava” Fitspeek’s roving reporter (and Liv Cycling’s Ambassador) Crystal Lambert speaks with some of the people who are crushing it out there on Strava. For our first King of Strava, we need to go no further than our back yard…the Seventh Avenue Climb in Mission. All will be revealed by pushing play below.



Program Five is out of the oven



Chef Kevin Watt and myself have baked another edition of Fitspeek. This program may contain: traces of nuts, race results, spin queens, reindeer, Santa Shuffles, Lido Shuffles, cool down reasons, and to promote our new sponsor Wenting’s Cycle and Mountain Shop – FREE STUFF with the Wenting’s word of the week. Listen for it in the program and go to Wentings to claim your reward for listening to Fitspeek.

For more information on Marie’s Santa Shuffle visit


You better watch out, you better not cry


Coming up next Saturday (December 3rd) is the ninth edition of the Abbotsford Santa Shuffle. In this feature interview with the ever-enthusiastic Marie Lashley, we talk about the course, the charity involved, and of course….reindeer! Start your festive season now by pressing play


Podcast Number 4 – Ryan Clifton

In this week’s podcast we serve up a delicious mix of chewy race results, a tangy events calendar, an aural fit tip of the week, and a hoppy (?) interview with local swim coach Ryan Clifton.


Ryan tells us about his background in swimming, his kinaesthetic approach to swim coaching, as well as his successes and frustrations in working with adult athletes. We also, on a sad note, pay tribute to local cyclist Brad Dean who died in that accident near Richmond 2 weeks ago. The latest edition of Fitspeek can be hear by pushing play right below this.


Ramblings from the Left Coast

As I wrote in one of my very first posts here at, as much as I enjoy training intently and racing to win during  the “on-season” I equally relish the pure joy of just being active and doing cool stuff with cool people in the “dark-season.”

I had a chance to do that last week in my basement, as I led a small group of athletes from the Abbotsford Triathlon Club ( in a “softly-structured” bike workout. The workout itself was a bit of a no-brainer, with very few tempo fluctuations, so we could focus on the important stuff, which was chatting! A rainy afternoon spinning on a trainer with friends so we could all burn enough calories for the Saturday night festivities was the order of the day – and it was mission accomplished!

This weekend, intensity and purpose took another back seat to joy, wonderment, and adventure. My wife and I found ourselves at the foot of the Newport Bridge, jacked up on caffeine and perilously close to the Rogue World Headquarters.


Delayed gratification won out and it was only after 90 minutes of non-structured walk/run/climb/scramble/repeat, that we rewarded ourselves with some lovely recovery refreshments. This sort of workout would not have happened during the “serious-training” phase in the months of April-September where specific heart rate and distance targets are to be met for peak race performance.

In the end, it was clearly an surplus abundance of calories for the amount of exercise we did but a big W in the column of life and relationship experiences. Share they joy!



A canvas for digicreativity

The Fitspeek blogspot and podcast have been running for two months now. In that time, I have had a chance to meet some interesting people, hear their stories, and learn a whole wack of new skills!

Coming on board as of late are Kevin Watt from Maple Ridge and Bryan Wilkinson from the Agassiz area. Kevin Watt is the podcast’s co-host and social media guy, responsible for the development of the Fitspeek Instagram feed. Bryan is currently our Hope and Chilliwack correspondent. He will be bringing us updates on fitness, wellness, and endurance sports events in his area.  One of days you are going to hear his voice!

We are also brainstorming for other podcast segments.  The next two months are going to be exciting.


Podcast #3 } The Terry Fox 360 ride

While many of us endurance athletes have done many amazing feats, it’s even better when you can share your experience with others, and better still when you can make a real difference while doing it. For decades that’s what the Terry Fox run was all about. Now Terry’s brother Darrell Fox is breaking new ground and including cycling as part of raising money for cancer research. The feature interview in this week’s podcast features Darrell Fox, along with the others from the Fraser Valley’s Cahilty Racing Team. They explain their motivations and stories regarding the Terry Fox 360 Ride that was held in September. That interview, along with our weekly race report, upcoming event schedule, and fit tip of the week, rolls right into your ears by pressing PLAY right below here!