Once upon a time, not all that long ago, there was a high school guy who wanted to lose weight to impress the ladies.
He ran and ran and ran and he got really good at it!

He got so good he started training for a marathon and had an amazing debut at that distance. But there’s a lot more to this story than the development of just another fast guy.

Dan Simpson from Coquitlam decided to share his passion for running with all the folks from the Tri-Cities area, so he founded. Kamino Running.
As good of a runner as he is, he may be an even better organizer and motivator. Despite a few opening-day hiccups, his organized weekly runs were a remarkable success with dozens of happy athletes.

On the podcast this week we hear about Dan’s passion for running, the training that Kamino does, and also about a running mishap that he had that could have been a catastrophe. If you are a runner in the Lower Mainland you should check out this going concern! Click on the button below to get the full story.