In our 4th and final installment of BC Summer Games athletes, we travel to Victoria and speak with grade 10 student Seb Damian.
Even though Damian is new to triathlon, he had an outstanding BC Summer Games with his superpower being an awe-inspiring swim.
In our interview we get some fun facts from Sebastian about how he qualified for the games, his speedy family, and his plans to improve as a triathlete. Hear it all now by clicking below!
Fall in the Pacific Northwest means shorter days and just a bit of rain! Time to put away the tri-bike and Go Rogue! Here’s your all-weather whip to keep you Zwift-free on the weekends. Click on the bike to learn more.
Being a triathlete means buying stuff for all 3 sports. Don’t squander your cash on expensive sugar water potions when you can mix it up yourself. Learn how to do it yourself and save. Click on the picture above to discover why Saturday is more than just the best day of the week.