
Lionel Sanders: Fitspeek 207

Mother Nature had the last say on the last day, as Ironman Canada turned into a duathlon.

The water, that was too hot for a wetsuit swim at the Peach Classic, was deemed too cold the morning of the race. Sara True of the USA won the female event. On the male side, it was Canada’s Lionel Sanders who won it.

In our short interview, Lionel tells us about his 1st experience using a heart rate monitor in an Ironman, his take on the Nike supershoes, and his challenges with nutrition.

Ready to get to through the wind & onto the podium it’s the SP by A2 bikes. Click on the bike to configure your next race rocket.
We talk a lot about race day nutrition in today’s podcast. Is fading in the latter stages of your events “a thing for you?” Try the Saturday ap and banish the bonk, and save gazillions on your training + race day nutrition.