Abbotsford’s Mike Rauch is a successful business owner, family guy, and event organizer. He also happens to be a heck of an athlete. Mike was introduced to endurance sports in university, learned to swim, and did a few triathlons.
When the demands of family life called for more of his time, he decided to forego running and swimming for cycling. Mike has excelled on two wheels, winning rider of the year accolades with Phoenix Velo. He also embarked on organizing a cycling squad with Cahilty Racing.
Recently, Mike was invited to compete in the world’s most prestigious mountain bike stage race – Cape Epic. The problem is the race is in March in South Africa, and it is pretty hot there, certainly a lot warmer than the Fraser Valley. In our interview we learn about Mike’s path to the starting line of Cape Epic and the experiences he had during that 8-day event.

Also in our interview, Mike tells us about a unique 12-hour cycling event he is hosting in the Fraser Valley. Click on the banner above to get details on the race and click on the link below to hear our conversation.