Chances are if you have ever been to this site before, you are an endurance sports enthusiast or are about to become one. One of the challenges facing many of us is how best to fuel that next training session or race.
If you don’t take enough “stuff” in you lose energy. If you take too much “stuff” in, your stomach rebels.
After listening to this week’s Fitspeek many of your questions will be answered, thanks to these folks.

Dr. Alex Harrison and Michelle Howe are some of the most knowledgeable people about sports nutrition around, and both are accomplished athletes. What gives the couple their superpowers, however is the effective way they can communicate what they know.

The key to proper fueling comes down to water, sugar, and salt…. in the right amounts. Give a listen to the podcast to find out what kinds of sugars and salts are the best to use. And after you listen to the podcast click on the picture above to learn more about their fueling app that will make preparing your next batch of training and racing fuel simpler than you thought.

Ready to tackle your next adventure on the trails or the roads less-than-perfect, it’s the Rogue by A2. Less cash. More roads. That’s the Rogue’s jam. Click on the dude and the bike to find out more.