In this week’s show, we ditch the goggles and aerobars and focus on running shoes, or more accurately, a guy who wears running shoes – in a very big way.
Mission’s Mark Klassen used to run cross country while in school but life changed and he stopped running. Then, about 8 years ago, he and a friend decided to take up running again. Without any “serious training,” as he puts it, he reeled off a sub-35-minute Sun Run.

Now that he knows how to train his times have been dropping, as have the jaws of his competitors. He’s gone from being a local fast guy to one of the fastest in the province at most distances of running races – that is except for the marathon!

In this week’s show, we go deep with Mark and find out why he is so fast, get his not-so-secret training secrets, and find out what is on the running horizon for this humble + inspirational athlete.

What you are looking at is the aero road bike the RP. It’s made by A Squared Bikes out of Lake Oswego, Oregon. Think of it as your Swiss Army Knife with wheels.
As is, it is ready for road races, fondos, crits, and coffee rides with your buddies. Slap a pair of aerobars on it and it becomes a speedy triathlon bike. It’s plenty adjustable for you to get your position dialed in just right to keep you comfortable and your competition behind you. Click on the bike for more details.