Chances are if you are on Fitspeek, you’ve done a triathlon. Chances are also that you wish that more people would tri as well!

Chances are they want to but they can’t ________, _________________, or _______________________. (insert fear-inspiring sport of choice here).
If you are in Western Canada the excuses for not tri-ing have been reduced, thanks to Angie Woodhead. Coming up later this year is the 1st mixed relay triathlon in the country.
The distances of each leg are super-short, so almost anyone who puts in a bit of training can participate in the event. And because it is a team event, you get to watch your teammates race and cheer them on to the finish line. What a great way to get some new blood into the sport of triathlon!

Like anything in sport (& in life) the devil is in the details and to help explain exactly how the event works (& most importantly the race distances) is race organizer, Angie Woodhead.
Joining Angie on the show is Triathlon Magazine Canada editor, Kevin Mackinnon. Kevin has seen quite a few mixed relays over in Europe and he tells us about the history of the mixed relay and he offers us his perspective on this new racing opportunity. Hit the play button below to hear Angie & Kevin.