Your Fitspeek Friday drops in on this wet weekend with a great conversation with a guy whose middle name should be “git er dun.”
As you may know, the Vancouver Triathlon was held, as a TRIathlon and not an aquathon last month. No small feat with all the challenges of Covid-19 protocols.

Add to the mix, the morons who thought it would be fun to start feeding coyotes to set up their perfect social media shots, turning these usually elusive critters into a dangerous nuisance in Stanley Park. Heaven help us when these bozos start chumming the orcas! In our conversation, we talk to Trevor about those last stressful days leading up to the race. Talk about pulling a rabbit out of a hat. And although you can’t satisfy everybody, the fact that the race went ahead was a welcome breath of fresh air in a very stagnant smelling 2021 race season.

Also in the interview, we ask an obvious question “why the hell would you want to be a race director?” as well as the obvious follow up question, “what does a race director do to feed his family (pictured above) when they ain’t no racing?” All this and more including references to Fitspeek’s big BOY brother, and Mikey’s Top Five List, comes your way with the push of that button you see below.
Fitspeek is brought to you by Tri*Joy: The Spirit of Multisport. You can experience the joy with a very limited time offer. The Tri 4 50 special is back on. Wanna play Tri? Click that link below!