As we know all of Canada has been impacted by the Covid-19 crisis. Ontario is no exception. And even though we are “The Fraser Valley’s Fitness, Wellness, & you know the rest podcast” we thought we would see how things in the rest of the country are going.
We speak with Phil Dale, the executive director for Triathlon Ontario about how the 2020 season looked like in his province. Turns out they had a couple of races! We also take a look at that province’s current crop of all star triathletes. Yes – there is more to Ontario triathlon than Lionel Sanders! We give Phil a soapbox moment and he offers his perspective on what all Canadian triathletes should know.

Finally in the show, Dr. E. Reeh drops by for a very timely segment of Between the Ears. We know that we are all going to gain a few pounds over Christmas, but how can we limit the caloric barrage that this time of year affords us? Find out now by pressing play.