We are glad to have Craig back on the podcast. He’s the guy from Burnaby who not only did the Paris-Brest-Paris 1200 KM cycling event, he also did his very first Ironman just 20 days before.

Of course like any athlete, he has had challenges just making it to the starting line. But have you been shot while riding your bike? He has and tells us about that dark night in the Fraser Canyon.

Also in the interview we find out how Craig got into multisport racing and what he has been doing to stay fit and safe during this whole Covid-19 thing. Hear it now by pressing play below.

Fitspeek is brought to you by Tri*Joy} The Spirit of Multisport. We are your local multisport coaching connection. Wanna get fitter or faster? E-mail us for a free Zoom consultation & goal-setting session.