
New Captain at the helm of Ironman Canada: Meet Susie Ernsting

Not only is Ironman Canada returning to its original home of Penticton, BC, there’s a few other changes in store for this iconic Canadian sporting event. For starters, there’s a new race director, Susie Ernsting from North Vancouver.

For the past dozen or so years, Susie & her husband Mark have been responsible for managing and promoting some of our area’s big events such as the Prospera Fraser Valley Granfondo and BC Cycling’s Superweek.

In Fitspeek 85, we introduce you to Susie Ernsting. You’ll hear about how she got the job along with some of the things she wants to do to put her own stamp on the race.

Also on the program in our Fit Tip of the Week if you are like this podcast’s producer, you love to engage in late-night snacking. Is it all bad? Can a harm-reduction strategy be used? Hear it all now by pressing that play button right down here.

And if you have fantasies of doing an Ironman, why not take that first step by getting help for your athletic journey. With our low client to coach ratio Tri*Joy} The Spirit of Multisport gives you the personalized attention to help you realize your potential and crush your goals. E-mail us at for your free in-person consultation and goal-setting session.

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