DC Cycling’s first year pro from Chilliwack, Thomas Schellenberg is on the road and learning about life as a pro. Earlier this year he was racing in Arkansas, most recently in North Carolina, but our feature interview focuses on the time he spent at a high altitude training camp, as he puts it “somewhere in the middle of nowhere in New Mexico.”

Thomas tells us about his adventures on the road including his encounters with the wildlife of the American Southwest. You can hear all about that plus his reflections on the race he did down there, called the Tour of the Gila.

In addition to Thomas, we have the return of Zack Neufeld, in this week’s Between The Ears we hear more about the powerful effects that music can have on your training & racing. 20 minutes of inspirational Fitspeek floods your ears by pressing play below.

Fitspeek is brought to you by Tri*Joy} The Spirit of Multisport. We’re your local coaching connection, based in Mission, BC. With our low client to coach ratio and regular progress assessments we help you achieve your athletic potential. Give me an e-mail at kknnheinze@yahoo.com to book your free in-personal consultation & goal setting session.