Program 34 features an interview with the organizer of the Abbotsford Run For Water and the all new Ride For Water.
In our interview with Peg Peters we find out about his motivation for the creation of the event, his alliance with local “Gravel King” Matt Scott, as well as why the events are just as much a party as they are a great fundraiser.
Also in this week’s program we have part 3 of Vince Speeks. Vince tells us about his transition from professional soccer player to university student to triathlete. Hear it all by pressing play below!
Thanks for waiting! Here is part two of our interview with Vancouver professional triathlete Nathan Killam, a guy his competitors call a pyscho on the downhills, and the most positive pro male triathlete competing today.
We dust off that veneer and reveal his murky obsessions with Zwift and peanut butter, we discover his least favourite triathlon workouts, his ITU world championships challenges.
We end of the interview with Nathan putting on his coaching hat and offering advice to folks who are doing their first Ironman Canada.
After listening to the interview head over to the Fitspeek Facebook Page and enter to win a free entry to the Westwood Lake Triathlon on Sunday May 20. You can also win a canister of F2C’s 3:1 Rehab formula.
Hang on for an interesting, motivating, and sometimes hilarious sixty minutes with Fitspeek favourite Nathan Killam. Last year we told you the story of this former heavy duty mechanic-Burger King lover turned fire fighter and professional triathlete. This year we caught up with Nathan between training sessions as he prepares for his best ever performance at the long course triathlon near Paso Robles, California.
Since last year Nathan has had a number of changes in his life including being a dad! In the interview you’ll hear how he manages the demands of being a full-time elite triathlete, father, husband, and working guy.
Pumpkin CX 2017. Photo by: Scott Robarts
Also in part A you’ll hear about some of the challenges he’s had to face over the past few months. Prepare for an engaging sixty minutes by pressing play here.
After the interview remember to head over to our Fitspeek Facebook Page for your chance to win a free entry to Dynamic Race Events Wine Capital of Canada Triathlon.
The event is already sold out but you can still win an entry thanks to Dynamic Race Events & F2C Nutrition. And while you are logging the training miles, remember to refuel with F2C’s 3:1 Rehab Formula. Oh yeah by entering our contest, you can win a canister of that!
From professional soccer player to web designer, to elite triathlete, to “Mr. Mom” to “The Music Man” Abbotsford’s Vince Dimanno has had a wide variety of jobs and pursuits. Vince is now the owner of Deep Blue Creative and a coach with the Abbotsford Triathlon Club. In our second Vince Speeks segment, we hear about the huge role his father had in shaping Vince’s athletic life. We also hear about the “non-secret” method Vince used to become a professional soccer player…. at the age of 17.
Also in this week’s Fitspeek, a tutorial on how to become a “Time Weasle” as well as the results from last Sunday’s Heritage to Hatzic 5 K and 10 K races. Get the scoop, by pressing play below
Tri*Joy} The Spirit of Multisport is ready to help you with your athletic goals this spring. If you are interested in doing your first triathlon, such as the Westwood Lake event in May, we can create a personalized an effective training plan for you. We also offer one on one consultations and feedback sessions. Contact to get on the road to the start line.
We’re happy to unleash Fitspeek 31 on all of our listeners. Spring is here and so is some all new information and inspiration on the program. We lead things off with segment 1 of our feature interview with Abbotsford’s Vince Dimanno. Vince has led a very interesting life with sports a very big part of it. In segment one, we hear about Vince’s path in becoming a professional soccer player and the influence that Vince’s dad had in his life.
In our Between The Ears feature Zack Neufeld explains how to use motivation pull factors to get off the couch and onto the trails and Kevin Watt returns with social media shout outs.
We also have some information for you on the health benefits of cheese on our Fit Tip of the Week.
Fitspeek 31, the cheesetastic aural delight flows into your ears by pressing play.
And if you are ready to take the plunge and do your first triathlon or enter the Fraser Valley Gran Fondo, we at Tri*Joy can help you get to the finish line. You can get a free half hour consultation to get you started on the road to personal awesomeness by e-mailing